Thursday, December 17, 2015

Congress Gives America the Gifts of Debt and Pork this Christmas

     Congress loves to pass the worst parts of their agenda during the holidays. They count on you being too busy with shopping, baking, decorating and the like while they squeeze the noose just a little bit tighter around the neck of the idea of freedom. The worst example of this was in 1913, when Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, after the vast majority of Congressmen had already left for Christmas, our history and our economic freedom was forever changed. Today, just before taking their holiday recess, Congress just passed a $681 Billion dollar spending bill, none of which is paid for by any kind of budget cuts or other tax offsets. Speaker Paul Ryan has been a "champion" of fiscal responsibility, and always rails against unchecked spending. He is always campaigning on the fact that we must balance the budget, that the enormous national debt shackles future generations of Americans. While those statements are correct, his actions fail to even attempt to live up to his ideals.

    This new spending bill includes all kinds of items that the American people have been firmly against, but we shouldn't be surprised with our elected representatives totally ignoring the will of the people. This entire bill is a total capitulation to the Obama agenda, and is basically caving in to allowing Obama cementing his "legacy" of "fundamentally transforming America.

     One of the biggest items in the bill which is a direct slap in the face to the American people and especially to those of us living in West Virginia, is the appropriation of $500 Million in the next fiscal year to fund Obama's unconstitutional climate agreement, which the global elite just finished putting together in Paris. Republicans had stated that they would fight this to the bitter end, but now they have turned their backs on the American people, who have been largely skeptical not just of the supposed "settled science" of "climate change", but skeptical that this agreement will actually do anything substantive to help the environment. Obama is attempting to enforce this agreement without the blessing of the people, and without a vote from our representatives in Congress.

     Another item in the bill which is directly ignoring the will of the American people, is another year of continued funding of Planned Parenthood. Yes, another year of government subsidized infanticide, another year of encouraging these poor, desperate women to deny their children a chance at life so that government employees can enrich themselves with harvest and sale of "fetal tissue". As much as some may argue that Planned Parenthood provides other services, with the advent of Obamacare, and healthcare in general being subsidized, there is no reason for them to exist, since anyone needing these services can get them from a regular OB/GYN.

     Speaking of Obamacare, another piece in this bill is a couple of supposed "fixes" to the healthcare law, which really do nothing to help the American people with access to care or increased affordability, but are simply accounting tricks to make it harder to repeal and replace the law once Obama has left office. This is a win for the drug companies, insurance providers, and labor unions, but a big fat fail for the American people.

   Next on the list is a particularly concerning item. Congress has appropriated $1.6 Billion to provide "refugee and entrant assistant activities". Basically our tax dollars are paying for not only bringing in at leas 10,000 Syrian refugees which we have no good way of properly vetting their background, but it is also going to pay for the "resettlement" of thousands of illegal immigrants across the country. I personally will not capitulate and refer to them as "undocumented individuals", they are criminals. The news media has repeatedly tried to spin the influx of people coming across the border as it being a flood of "unaccompanied minors", but the evidence shows that most of these individuals are between the ages of 12-17, and most of them have already had gang or drug cartel affiliation, and once in the US, will likely become members of MS-13 or other Latino gangs, and just contribute to the huge problems we are already dealing with in the southwest and across the country.

     So called "cyber security", has also been slipped into this gigantic spending bill. As with most anything the government does, anything having to do with "security" usually means less liberty for the American people. This is actually less a security bill and more of swinging the door wide open for further unwarranted surveillance of the American People. Members of Congress have decried this part of the bill, especially because they state that this should be a stand alone bill to be fully debated on its own before passage.  Unfortunately, the dissent of a few was far from being enough to keep this draconian set of measures to be passed.

     The sad truth is that this is all par for the course for Congress. most of these measures really should be dealt with individually, but like Frank Fritz from American Pickers, Congress loves a bundle. This ensures that measures that would normally get a full and honest debate can be rammed through at the last minute, because like any normal American, Congressmen just want to be done so that they can get home and spend the holidays with their families. One other point to note is that this bill totally ignores the "sequester" spending freezes that were previously enacted to attempt to reign in the deficit. So this bill directly adds over half a Trillion dollars to the national debt without any kind of offset.

     These are just the major points of the bill, there are many other slabs of pork stuffed in to keep individual Congressmen happy. Things such as tax cuts for NASCAR race tracks and horse racing are in there as well, but they would tell you that's just a totally normal cost of doing business in Congress. So just know as you are all gathered around the table this Christmas, Congress just heaped a huge helping of debt onto your plates once again this year.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Greasing the Slippery Slope

        One of the latest tactics we've seen being rolled out by the political left to attempt to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of the American people is the "common sense" statement that the "no fly list" and other "terrorist watch lists" should automatically equate to stripping those people on the list of the ability to purchase a firearm. Of course this sounds like a perfectly logical idea. Who would argue that we should allow terrorist to freely buy guns and ammunition?

     However, there are several big red flags that give 2nd Amendment advocates major cause for concern. First of all, these government watch lists are far from being perfect. There have been many instances where completely innocent Americans, even small children, even US Senators have found themselves on one of these lists. A person can end up on one of these lists just because they have the same or a similar name to a terrorist or "person of interest", and will find themselves unable to board an airplane by complete coincidence, and be left with little to no legal recourse to remedy the situation.

    One of the biggest problems with this line of thinking is that we are talking about denying American citizens their unalienable rights guaranteed by The Constitution. An American citizen would be stripped of their 2nd Amendment rights while also being denied their right to due process under the law. These lists are compiled completely extra-judicially without a person actually being charged with any crime at all. This is basically taking the very fabric of what it means to be an American and throwing it out the window. This should be very concerning to all Americans and we should be extremely wary of this kind of Government power at a time when our Government already has assumed all kinds of undue power all in the name of "safety". To make matters worse, Obama is urging Governors across the country to enact executive orders to force these new regulations into place, bypassing our representative and the will of the people.

     When people talk about a "slippery slope" this is the perfect example. If this kind of draconian measure were to be enacted, there is no telling where it will end. Where is the line drawn between someone exercising their right to free speech, and right to have a dissenting view of government policy, and being labeled a "dangerous extremist"? This opens the American people up to a complete and final shredding of our founding principles. How long before these "watch lists" are populated with anyone and everyone who has posted any kind of anti government speech on social media? How long before these lists get sent to local law enforcement, and are used as "probable cause" for arrest warrants for citizens guilty of nothing but speaking their mind?  This is not paranoia, but simply taking these kind of unconstitutional measures to their ultimate and inevitable conclusions.  Make no mistake about it, as much as the left denies, obfuscates, demonizes, misdirects, and misleads, they want your guns. They will use every means at their disposal to achieve the ultimate end of a completely disarmed population. The unbelievable lengths at which they are willing to go to achieve that end is a subject for another article.

Listen, as Gov. Malloy of Connecticut plays on imagined fears of out of control gun violence to attempt to further his totally unconstitutional idea of restricting the 2nd Amendment. Remember, this is the same Governor who forced through the passage of a huge package of anti 2nd Amendment measures following the Sandy Hook incident, an incident which still has many unanswered questions about what actually happened that day.

    Our founders taught us that the cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. Vigilance against threats not only from external sources but especially from threats posed by our elected representatives. The entire point of our Bill of Rights is to protect those who would say the unpopular thing. It is not easy to advocate for maximum liberty in a time of such turmoil and danger, but our founders also taught us that if we give up our permanent liberty to receive some temporary security we will end up with neither.

    Therefore we can not fall into this trap that has been set for us by those who would seek ultimate power over our nation. The sad reality is that it is not the terrorists who "hate us for our freedom", it is the scum within our own government who seek the power to control our speech, our freedom of movement, even our very thoughts. The socialists who want you to believe that it is the state itself, not the people who should have absolute power and control.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

New Evidence of Obama Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy


     Just another example that the Obama regime is aiding ISIS by confusing the American people with strong-ish rhetoric, but at the same time doing everything possible to make sure that this conflict drags on so it becomes the next administration's problem to deal with... From aiding and arming "moderate rebels" while knowing full well all of the weapons and material aid was ending up in ISIS hands, to turning a blind eye while Turkey and Saudi Arabia continue to fund and strengthen the enemy. This behavior is treasonous, but the American people are too dumbfounded to actually do anything about it... Call Obama out on anything, and you'll be called a racist, and have a mob of angry "Black Lives Matter" thugs shouting you down at every turn... We do not have a Commander in Chief... We have a Divider in Chief...

     The sad reality is that the American populace is worn down, tired of conflict after a decade of pointless wars that achieved absolutely nothing beneficial for our country. Most people are so focused on simply surviving and making ends meet that they don't have time or energy to find out what those in power are actually doing, and the severe consequences those actions will have on not just our immediate future, but on future generations as well. Obama and the radical leftists behind him know this full well, and are taking advantage of every opportunity to sow the seeds of division and doubt across the nation.

     Those in power are counting on your inaction, and if we continue to give them chance after chance to further their agenda, there won't be an America left for our children to grow up in. There are so many facets, so many angles that our free society is being attacked from that we can easily find ourselves just wanting to throw in the towel. Looking at the gigantic political and economic machine that is steamrolling it's way through our nation and our culture, the picture is indeed extremely bleak.

     However, it is when things look darkest that the enemy can become complacent. The whole radical leftist crew of people like Valerie Jarrett, who is an avowed radical communist, and her entire family is tied in with the Muslim Brotherhood. Bill Ayers, another avowed communist and unrepentant terrorist responsible for multiple bombings of government buildings. Obama even launched his political career from Ayers' living room! Melissa Harris-Perry, the left's chief propagandist and overall flat out evil mean spirited individual. Eric Holder, simply the worst Attorney General in US history, launched numerous illegal operations from the Justice Department ranging from gun running AKA Fast and Furious, (Obama had to claim Executive Privilege during the hearings to keep Holder and his wife out of prison), funding and arming Mexican Drug Cartels while cracking down on nonviolent drug users across the country. Using the IRS to attack political rivals and enemies, and abusing his office to attack journalists, trampling all over the 1st Amendment. John Holdren, who called for everything from drugging the water supply to make us all more submissive, to forced abortion,

     Let's not forget Obama's massive array of political hitmen, from Media Matters to the saddest excuse for journalists on the planet over at, and of course everyone's favorite crazy cat lady running the supposed "authority on debunking anything anti-Obama" at Snopes... As well as these people are paid to parrot the Obama leftist narrative, they will all suffer the same if they succeed in their "Fundamental Transformation" of America into a smoldering ruin of Communist garbage. At this point they think that they have won. They have their minions all across the media and in the streets marching us toward full blown Communism. They have control of the printing press of the US Dollar, and gigantic sums of money funding their schemes through the money changers like George Soros, Warren Buffett. Soros pumped millions of dollars to stir up trouble and fuel the hatred which led to Ferguson becoming a war zone.

     They employ the ugliest of tactics to get their way, shouting down any kind of dissent, using every kind of race baiting and trying to shame anyone and everyone who attempts to express any kind of free thought. The Thought Police are constantly attacking language itself, twisting it to their own ends. Making ridiculous statements like "The term 'hard work' is demeaning towards 'People of Color'", because somehow their enslaved ancestors are the only people capable of hard work and everyone should just bow down, because...slavery... Constantly launching tired and transparent straw man arguments, Ad Hominem attacks, spreading supposed "political correctness", crying about wanting their "safe spaces".  But make no mistake about it, if left unchecked, these monsters will incite and bait their way to massive civil unrest and allow the country to be laid to waste to achieve their goals. It really is a cunning bait and switch operation. They try to make themselves to appear as they are so oppressed, and it is the closed minded, "bitter clingers, hanging on to their guns and religion" that are standing in the way of "progress".

      We've seen the all out assault on "traditional American values", attacking the family, using economic warfare to force both parents into the workforce, paving the way for the state itself to become the parents of America's youth. It was the "witch queen" Melissa Harris-Perry who said, "Your Children belong to the State". They push for "alternative lifestyles" to become the norm rather than the exception. It was Cass Sunstein who called for the concept of the "nudge", starting with baby steps toward Socialism, until it snowballs into a full blown totalitarian state. They twist the idea of freedom and liberty to throw any kind of real morals out the window.  These are the kind of people who in publications like Salon and even in the UK Parliament are trying to call pedophilia an "alternative sexual lifestyle", instead of a capital crime. Turn society on its head while behind the scenes they strip away the laws that our founders intended to protect us from an overbearing state.

     What they do not hold is the key to ultimate victory. We are armed with the truth, the greatest weapon of all in an information war. Exposing the enemy's tactics and schemes, bringing this vile and evil agenda out into the light of day is the key. We only need but employ our own tried and true strategy. Truth, Knowledge, Vigilance, Diligence, and Unity. The time to stand up and make our own noise is now. Peaceful, Intense Dedication, and Trust in our Constitution and what has made our country so great for the past 2 and a half centuries. There's so much more info out there, so many pieces to the globalist puzzle which I will continue trying to tackle. Right now I'm standing, in full view and in full defiance of these arrogant, despotic, tyrants. Come and join me and let's reclaim America and rebuild it into a country we can be proud of.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

You PC Bro? Then turn in your guns and bow to the Muslim invasion

That evil creature in Congress Dianne Feinstein is at it again. Mrs. "Turn them all in" is looking to turn the tyranny up a notch, while trying to make it seem reasonable. With the recent attacks in Paris, we're seeing knee jerk reactions all over the place as per usual. This new push attacking the Second Amendment comes on the heels of a report talking about people on the "Terrorist Watch List" being able to purchase firearms in the US. So the rhetoric goes "We have to stop terrorists from getting their hands on guns!".  Sounds reasonable enough, but there's one huge problem. There are over 700,000 people on that list, and a large majority of them have never committed any kind of criminal act. Making matters worse is the fact that this list is compiled completely extra judicially without any kind or real oversight, and worst of all, zero due process of law. This is literally the Federal Government saying, "we don't like you, we see you as a threat, therefore we are taking away your constitutional rights with no judge, no jury. Currently there is no legal recourse to get yourself off the list, even if it is found that your name was put on it in error.

This is the epitome of the "slippery slope". If we allow this to continue, how long before this spreads to regular Americans. If the Federal Government can just wave a magic wand and totally wipe away your rights, how long before this policy is applied to political dissidents? How long before they say, "People on the Terror Watch List are buying property! We have to stop it!". The political left likes to accuse their opponents of fear mongering, but now the tables have turned. This is just another case of "Give up your rights so we can keep you safe!".  Cue the Ben Franklin quote.

This situation is quickly escalating, and who knows how far it will go. We know that Obama and his globalist masters are using Saudi Arabia to fund, arm, train, and deploy ISIS fighters to keep the world in a state of perpetual chaos. With Obama using the political correct hysteria already sweeping the country, he is attempting to shame and slander his opponents into backing down and allowing a huge influx of "refugees" from Syria into the US, and of course will give them the full run of welfare and government benefits all paid for by the taxpayer.

Unfortunately, when the ISIS attacks do eventually hit American soil, it seems like there is little chance that Obama will have the blame placed on him. He will give speech after speech attacking his political opponents, calling them racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, and every other slanderous name under the sun.

If they had their way, the entire nation would be a "gun free zone". Except that is, for the select few that the Administration wants to be armed. The terrible reality is, this is a classic example of bait and switch. Obama and his cronies will scream bloody murder about terrorists getting guns, therefore we must limit the access to firearms for all Americans, while at the same time funding and arming the same terrorists they are screaming about.

Ultimately, it is the PC culture that will be our downfall if it continues unchecked. These people are not "checking your privilege", they are merely attempting to shame you into submission to their agenda. They don't want "equality" or "tolerance", they want dominance. They want to control the culture firstly through the control of language. Any kind of political dissent automatically becomes "hate speech". Against letting thousands of "refugees" into our country unchecked to suck off of the system? You're a racist, Islamophobic bigot.

Let's face it, no matter what they try to say about "vetting" these refugees, there is absolutely no realistic way to satisfactorily vet these people. They've come from a war zone, probably had their homes and possessions either stolen or destroyed, and most have exactly zero documentation of who they really are. Please explain to me how you're going to vet them.

Obama already has tried to shame his opponents into submission by implying that they are scared of "widows and orphans". While there may be widows and orphans among the "refugees", I've already documented in previous posts that the vast majority of these people are military age men. If Obama wants to talk about widows and orphans, then that should be our policy, women and children first.

Hillary Clinton repeatedly says "we are not at war with Islam", She cringes at the words "radical Islamic terrorism". I guess she expects us to forget about Paris, Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, The Boston Marathon, and the list goes on. But they need to shift the focus away because it doesn't take much research to see that this entire situation is being orchestrated from behind the scenes. The elite are funding both sides of the conflict just as they have with every major conflict since Napoleon.

If catastrophe is to be avoided, we're going to have to wake up, get loud, and be extremely vigilant. Cue Thomas Jefferson quote.

More on this coming as it develops. As usual, don't take my word for it, do your own research.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Fog of War Shrouds Moves on The Grand Chessboard

                                      The Fog of War

The Global Elite are casting a huge fog of confusion over the planet. While the mainstream media is keeping you focused on Donald Trump's hair, Ben Carson's childhood misdeeds, Lamar Odom's overdose, and any other pointless drivel they can throw your way, big moves are being made on The Grand Chessboard that is the global stage, and it very well could explode into World War 3 at any minute. The situation in Syria has become so muddled and perplexing that I am not sure that anyone knows who they are fighting or why.  President Assad is clinging to power in the middle of a blasted wasteland.  Huge swaths of his people have fled into Europe, causing a huge migrant crisis in almost every country in the EU, which is causing violent unrest across the continent. Germany is overwhelmed with supposed refugees, although statistics are showing that the overwhelming majority of those coming in wanting "asylum" aren't elderly, women, and children. They are 75% male, and the vast majority of them are young men, 15-40. It is looking less like a flood of refugees, and more like an invading army under the guise of humanitarian crisis. Swedish officials fear their entire system of social services may collapse under the weight of nearly 200,000 "refugees".   Similar stories are coming out of almost every country in Europe.  Russia has now thrown their military might into Syria behind the Assad regime to protect their economic interests in the region. The Islamic State has seemingly sprung up out of nowhere over the past 18 months and has laid claim to large portions of Syria and Iraq.

The United States has an extremely fluid set of positions in the conflict which seem to change by the day.  President Obama keeps talking about these mysterious "moderate rebels" who are supposedly friendly to the US and are supposedly being unlawfully oppressed and attacked by the Assad regime. However, it seems like every time Obama authorizes any kind of material support to this shadowy group of "moderate rebels", all of the assets sent over end up captured by either Assad's forces or ISIS.

The Kurds also factor into the conflict.  They have been struggling for decades to carve out their own nation out of portions of northern Syria and Iraq, as well as parts of southern Turkey.  President Obama has also been sending support to the Kurds, but unfortunately almost every other group in the region wants the Kurds ethnically cleansed and wiped off the face of the Earth.  They are basically the unwanted step-children of the Middle East, but the area they currently occupy could end up being a flash point that ignites this proxy war into an all out conflagration.

President Obama recently authorized 50 special "military advisers" to be sent to Syria, specifically to the region occupied by the Kurds. This is happening at the same time as Russia is unleashing a daily barrage of air strikes all across any part of the country not fully under control of the Assad regime. If our military assets get caught in the crossfire, and a Russian airstrike happens to lead to the loss of the lives of American servicemen, things could get very sticky very quickly.

Now to fully understand what is happening, we have to back up and look at the entire chess board.

                                                            The Grand Chessboard

Obama is continuously trying to ride the fence and play the strange role of pacifist warmonger. On the one hand he repeatedly grandstands talking about how he ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and brought our troops home victorious. Meanwhile he is quietly shifting the chess pieces around and wetting the slate for the next conflict. In reality it is Obama's policies that have led to the rise of ISIS, and it all started back in what became known as the Arab Spring. In December 2010, large protests and riots broke out in Tunisia. things quickly got out of control and the situation rapidly deteriorated and led to the overthrow of the Tunisian government. The Global Elite quickly seized the opportunity to bend the situation to their will, and used the organic anger and grievances of the people in the region, and began nudging the people of neighboring Libya and fomenting unrest in that nation as well.

The Global Elite had a serious bone to pick with Libyan President Qaddafi. He was one of the last regimes to refuse to institute a Federal Reserve style central bank, and bow down to the power and control of the World Bank and IMF. In fact, he had built a paradise by comparison to the rest of the African continent that was and remains mostly war torn and impoverished. His people had the highest net worth and wages per-capita on the continent. Obviously things in Libya were far from perfect, but it was definitely a much better situation than the rest of Africa, and Qaddafi had grandiose plans to lift the rest of Africa up as well.

Enter the Islamic extremists. They quickly built an army of rebels who were surprisingly well equipped and very angry. The city of Benghazi quickly fell and became the rebel capital and stronghold. Obama and his Globalist masters quickly moved in and began filling the American airwaves with propaganda stating that we had to come to the aid of these "oppressed" people who were fighting for their independence from a wicked dictator. The American people were far from sold on the idea, and Obama would eventually go around what he considered to be an obstructionist Congress and declare that he and his "coalition" of European nations were instituting a no fly zone over Libya.

The US Air Force made short work of what was basically a defenseless Libyan government, and rained down hellfire all over the parts of Libya which were still controlled by Qaddafi.  It wasn't long before the rebels stormed into Tripoli, and the ending was a gruesome video which was broadcast all over the world of Qaddafi being beaten, dragged through the streets and then executed without any kind of trial or formal charges being brought against him.  This was a bold statement by the Global Elite. You either play ball and bow to the global system, or die.  Libya has now gone from being the jewel of Africa, a shining example of what could be accomplished on that continent, to a burnt husk, a smoldering wreck now run by gangs of Muslim thugs who have really been unable to form any real stable government, and are constantly fighting over the country's scarce resources.

Meanwhile, the revolution was quickly spreading east into Egypt, but the situation there played out much differently and luckily much with somewhat less violence.  Huge protests and riots erupted in Cairo, which eventually led to the downfall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Elections were held, and the Muslim Brotherhood, which was quietly being funded by Obama with our tax dollars through his half brother, Malik Obama, who was overseeing the Muslim Brotherhood's international investments.

The Egyptian people would elevate Muslim Brotherhood member Mohamed ElBaradei to President of Egypt. However his reign would be short lived. President El Baradei and his Mulsim Brotherhood cohorts attempted to institute Sharia Law across Egypt, and began a vicious crackdown on Christians, Jews, and anyone else who challenged the Muslim Brotherhood's supreme authority. The Egyptian people were not about to fall from one dictatorship to an even more oppressive one, quickly sprung back into action and the protests and riots resumed in Cairo, which ultimately led to the overthrow and arrest of El Baradei and several of his cronies.

The wave of unrest throughout the Muslim world continued to spread like wildfire, and civil war erupted in Syria. Rebels calling themselves the Free Syrian Army began launching attacks against the Assad government, and took over most of the eastern portion of the country. This radical separatist sentiment crossed the border into western portions of Iraq as well, and seemingly out of nowhere rumblings began of a new Caliphate, an Islamic State who's aim was to take over the entire middle east.

While all this was happening, there were American intelligence assets lurking around across the region, specifically back in Libya. The CIA had set up a safe house/annex near the American Embassy in Benghazi. Part of the Globalist agenda was to be rid of the Assad government in Syria and moves began to be made on The Grand Chessboard. Weapons, including heavy artillery and high tech guided missiles left over from the Libyan revolution were being gathered up, and shipped out of the port of Benghazi, bound for Turkey where they would be smuggled across the border and given to the Free Syrian Army. This was all being overseen by the CIA and their asset, Ambassador Chris Stevens.

By now we all know what happened next, but the full truth of the event will most likely never be known for sure. What we do know is there was a terrorist attack on the "Annex" of the US Consulate in Benghazi, the place was burnt to the ground, and four Americans including Ambassador Stevens lost their lives. Volumes could be written about who knew what, why the Obama Administration blatantly lied about the attack and what and how much Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew about what was going on. However at this point it is just one piece of the puzzle, one move of a pawn on The Grand Chessboard, and you know that The Global Elite are always thinking 10 moves ahead.

The next move was our premature exit from Iraq. One of Obama's proudest moments. He gave speech after speech bragging about how he was the one who brought our troops home. How he put an end to over a decade of our soldiers being sent overseas. He was the self proclaimed peacemaker, and he has the Nobel Prize to prove it. Unfortunately for him the situation is much more complicated than he would have you believe and maybe than even he himself believes. It was not but months after our troops began coming home that an under-trained and totally incompetent Iraqi government found itself completely unable to hold its own territory, as Islamic extremists quickly flooded into the power vacuum in western Iraq, where the Iraqi government's power was weakest.

What happened next is one of the more interesting series of events of this entire saga. It was probably the finest example of Obama talking out of both sides of his mouth, playing the role of Nobel Peace Prize winner and warmonger simultaneously. Obama along with the UK began a campaign of providing what they claimed was "non lethal" support to supposed "moderate rebels" who according to the administration had been thoroughly vetted and surely wouldn't turn around and hand these assets over to the "more extreme" elements of the opposition. Obama then began putting out a series of talking points very similar to President Bush's blitz about Saddam Hussein's WMD program. Obama and his media lackeys began saying that the Assad regime was in possession of chemical weapons, and was preparing to use them against the Free Syrian Army. Obama claimed he was drawing a "red line", and if Assad crossed it, America would have no choice but to invade and crush him like a bug.

Then, right on cue, as if it was some kind of double dare, there was a chemical weapon attack in a residential area of Damascus. It appeared as though Assad had trampled all over Obama's red line, and said "come and get me". The war rhetoric was instantly turned up to 11. It looked as though America was quickly going to be sucked right back into war in the Middle East. But then things took a sharp and unexpected turn. The "red line" had been crossed, but Obama was appearing hesitant to act. The Neo-Cons like John McCain and Lindsey Graham were screaming to fully fund the Free Syrian Army, and bomb Assad into oblivion, but the American people had other ideas. Americans stood up along with many in the international community to say a resounding NO to more American war, and the momentum for an American attack quickly fizzled out.

Soon thereafter evidence was revealed that it wasn't the Assad regime that carried out the chemical attack after all, it was the Free Syrian Army, however we still don't know for sure how they got their hands on those weapons in the first place. Did they raid a stockpile of Assad's weapons? Or were they slipped in along with Obama's support for the "moderate rebels"? Either way it represented a major escalation in the conflict.

Assad quickly countered by announcing to the international community that he was going to destroy his entire stockpile of chemical weapons, in hopes to avoid a foreign invasion and in hopes of being able to continue to cling to power.

                                                               The Rise of ISIS

At the same time Islamic extremists were moving from Iraq across the wide open border with Syria, and began rallying more and more people to their cause. They suddenly seemed to adapt to the realities of the new millennium, they became adept at using social media after seeing how much Twitter affected the revolutions in Lybia and Egypt. Using different monikers depending on who you talk to, The Islamic State, ISIS (The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) or as Obama loves to use ISIL (The Islamic State of Syria and the Levant), This radical army exploded onto the scene in the Middle East seemingly out of nowhere, complete with an armada of brand new Toyota pick up trucks, high tech audio visual equipment which they have used to produce numerous high quality videos showing their dominance and utter brutality. They have slaughtered Christians and Muslims alike, shown the world what it's like to be witness to beheadings, burning prisoners alive, drownings, crucifixions, and more.

They make no real demands to their enemies, they just live to destroy them. However, all of this begs the question, where did they get all of this high tech equipment?  How did a ragtag band of terrorists who can barely get along with each other end up becoming a well oiled war machine that has been able to hold off the American trained Iraqi army and Syrian army, as well as American and Russian air strikes to hold a large area of both countries and establish their new Caliphate?  Who is the shady character Al Bhagdadi and is he even still alive, considering the mainstream media has reported his death several times?

The answers to these questions aren't exactly cut and dry. We know that a large amount of the military equipment ISIS has was either commandeered from battles fought against the Iraqi and Syrian armies, or gifted from the supposed "moderate rebels" in Syria that Obama has talked so much about and has continually funded and equipped. This is also where the Fog of War begins to come into play. ISIS is definitely not Al Qaeda. They are the terrorists of the 21st Century. They have a vast network of intelligence assets that are online and worldwide. As much as President Obama and  Secretary of State Kerry want you to believe they are "The JV Squad" or "The B Team", their success in the battle space and cyberspace tell a much different story.

The amount of bloodshed caused by ISIS and their affiliated Islamic extremist forces is staggering. Over 100,000 people were killed in 2014 alone between Syria, Iraq, and Libya. The numbers are likely closing in on over 1,000,000 in those 3 conflicts since 2011, most of them civilians, and a very large number of them persecuted Christians. Those numbers are just the beginning.

                                                                 The House of Saud

In addition, what is mostly kept quiet is the flow of money from Saudi Arabia to ISIS. The mainstream media will never talk about this because they want to breed confusion and increase the Fog of War. For the most part the American people think that Islam is one group united in their hate for America and Israel. However it is much deeper than that. The House of Saud, which is the head of the Sunni sect of Islam has always been at odds with all of Shia Islam. This includes Iran, Syria, and portions of Iraq. The Saudis rake in over a Billion dollars a day in oil profits, and are using that flow of cash to build this proxy army which they have unleashed upon the Middle East, while they sit back and watch the fireworks, knowing that the US is bound by treaty to protect them if they are ever invaded. We have already seen for the past decade in Iraq that the American Military Industrial Complex loves to make war for profit. As long as our government continues to hand out no bid contracts, massive war profiteering will continue.

What most people do not understand is that the US is bound to the Saudis because of the Petro Dollar.  Our currency is totally dependent on the fact that all oil around the world must be purchased with US Dollars. Until recently every other country on earth must convert their own currency into US Dollars, then purchase the oil from the OPEC nations. Now several nations including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (The BRICS Nations) have begun work on their own deal to subvert the Petro Dollar and the World Bank/IMF system. To counter this the Saudis had planned a  pipeline deal  to run through Syria to get to Europe. Russia, and by proxy Iran and Syria have countered this, and thus you can see why Syria has become the focus of so much violence and international attention.

So, trudging deeper through the fog, the many pieces begin to fit together. Syria is much bigger than just a local civil war, or even a regional conflict. It is even bigger than simply a proxy war between two superpowers vying for position and economic dominance. It is even more serious than any of the small communist vs capitalist conflicts of the Cold War. The stage is being set for the deciding battle over what kind of World Order will define the rest of this century.

                                                      The Kremlin Intervention

Russia has become the latest piece of the puzzle to crash onto the Syrian scene in defense of their own economic interests. Vladimir Putin has begun a large scale bombing campaign to defend the Assad regime and to ensure that they remain in power.

The bombing of the Russian airliner has opened a whole new can of worms. ISIS was quick to claim responsibility, and it seems as though the attack may have caught Vladimir Putin by surprise. Obviously we still don't know the full truth of what happened, and we may never know. What we do know is that over 200 Russians are dead, ISIS at bare minimum wants the world to believe that they did it, and there are serious consequences coming.

Russia claims to be in the conflict to fight the Free Syrian Army and ISIS, and they have obvious political and economic reasons to be doing so. Obama claims that we are fighting ISIS, but as we have discovered ISIS is a direct creation of Obama and the Global Elite through their proxy Saudi Arabia. This is exactly why the elite rely on keeping the public confused through mainstream media talking heads, and keeping you focused on the clown car circus that is this election cycle. While we are fed endless clips of people like Donald Trump spewing one outrageous statement after another, the real battle is beginning to spiral out of control.

To top things off the US and Europe are fighting a second proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. The battle is still raging even though it has been completely buried in the American Press. That war will take a back seat as the fighting slows during the harsh Russian winter, but things are heating up in the Syrian desert.

Putin tends to keep things close to the chest as they say, it is hard to know exactly what he is planning and exactly how he will retaliate. But now things are getting even more serious with the news of one of Putin's closest advisers being found dead along with one of the founders of Russia's largest news network, Russia Today, in a hotel in Washington DC. Details are still very sketchy at the moment but this could very well be a direct US retaliation for Russia entering the Syrian conflict.

United States Special Operations commanders recently had a meeting, and released a statement saying that they are itching for a fight with ISIS, which is not really that surprising considering the American media has been saturated with footage of ISIS forces torturing, murdering, and generally causing untold amounts of mayhem across the land that we just brought our troops home from.  I am sure it makes our servicemen feel like they have unfinished business to deal with. Sadly, they are falling right into the trap set for them by the globalists. Obama and his puppet masters have created a new enemy to throw our young men into battle against, and they may unwittingly get pulled into a global conflagration with a real superpower which they may not be ready for.

Now it seems as though those Special Ops commanders and military contractors may get their wish. The US Congress is now taking up the issue of authorizing a full scale invasion of Syria

All we can do now is attempt to look through this fog and expose the true intentions of those behind it.  Only then will we have any chance in preventing what could be the next (and possibly last) great war of our time. The worst case scenario is what is on the minds of the elite, and it is no good for any of us.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Obama and the UN put another nail into the coffin of the free world

Obama has been unable to get his Cap and Trade scheme passed, so yet again he is plotting an end run around Congress and the will of the American people by colluding with the UN to create a whole new quagmire of regulatory BS. Instead of creating a carbon tax, this treaty will create a global court which will have the power to enforce "climate debt" upon countries and industries which it unilaterally deems to be a "climate offender".

According to the proposed draft text of the climate treaty, the tribunal would take up issues such as “climate justice,” “climate finance,” “technology transfers,” and “climate debt.” These are obviously all just catch-all terms for massive wealth redistributions and the creation of massive new bureaucracies which will be used to completely dismantle what little is left of industrial manufacturing in the US.

Of course this will all be selectively enforced, and you can guarantee that the US and especially the coal industry will be very high on the economic hit list, while countries like China and India will be exempted, even though their supposed "carbon footprint" is exponentially higher. Much like the TPP trade agreement, this will do much more than just erode American sovereignty. This is just another step toward a global dictatorship.

The Obama administration is making it abundantly clear that since he is faced with opposition in Congress, he is more than willing to sell us out to a global corporate government in order to finish his "fundamental transformation" of America.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Planned Parenthood = Planned Genocide

Has the conservative movement been completely politically castrated? Is there anything that can awaken the so-called "great silent majority" of yesteryear? What amount of political malfeasance will cause a breaking point?

Last week the Republican held Congress had a golden opportunity to take a stand and at least take a vote on the issue of defunding Planned Parenthood. After a series of shocking revelations pulled back the curtain on what could go down as one of the most disgusting schemes ever hatched in our nation's history, you would think that quick, decisive action would be a no-brainer. Unfortunately the hideous, spineless, amphibian looking slimeball Mitch McConnell once again sold out not only his party, but the lives of the countless babies who have been and will continue to be snuffed out in the name of ridiculous profits for a select few corporations and the doctors who service them for a quick buck. While McConnell claims to support defunding Planned Parenthood, actions speak louder than words as he blocked an amendment to a highway funding bill which would surely have passed, instead nearly assuring a losing battle by requiring the measure to stand alone and open it up to a left wing filibuster and a probably unachievable 60 vote requirement.

Luckily there are a few good human beings left on Capitol Hill, who are continuing to be persistent on the matter. Although as we will explore, the fact that any of this is even happening in America shows how far we have sunk as a nation.

Obviously, the leftists and their corporate media lap dogs have been attempting to spin this story like a top since it first broke. "nothing to see here, nothing illegal is going on, Planned Parenthood is a champion of women's health"... Of course the facts and the hard video evidence paint a much different and much more grim picture of the situation.

The liberals would have you believe that any compensation given to Planned Parenthood in exchange for "human fetal tissue" that they harvest is only to offset supposed costs incurred in terms of "storage, packaging, transportation, etc.", and therefore is perfectly legal under the letter of the law. However the video evidence paired with insider whistleblower testimony paints a starkly different picture. Not only do basically zero of these supposed "costs" even exist, these doctors are all too happy to toss the human element right out the window and look at these human lives only in terms of dollar signs, and were even filmed discussing the most efficient means of extracting the aborted children as to maximize their monetary value.

Shockingly these revelations are just the tip of the iceberg. Whistleblower testimony also revealed that each office had its own quota as to how many lives had to be extinguished for the employees to receive their monthly bonus. Starting to sound a lot less like "pro-choice" and a lot more like "pro-coercion" isn't it?

Digging a bit deeper into the numbers, you may ask yourself about the demographics involved in this scandal. Well, if we take a look at the locations of Planned Parenthood offices, a large majority of them just happen to be in poverty stricken areas, as well as neighborhoods with large minority populations. Now some of this is simply statistical logistics, but that's taking a very narrow view. African Americans do have the highest rate of illegitimate pregnancies, and Americans living in poverty have a high rate of abortions. However, what is the causal relationship here? Are these numbers of abortions really all because these pregnancies are "unwanted"? Or is it because there is a government funded agency whispering in the ear of these communities, promoting their" women's health services", while having a huge vested monetary interest? As the evidence piles up it continues to scream toward the latter, louder and louder.

One huge statistic pretty much sums this up very well. In 2012 in New York City alone, there were around 24,000 African American babies born. However, in the same year, same city, there were over 31,000 African American babies aborted! Ladies and Gentlemen, that is genocide. It is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. More children of one race killed, harvested and sold than children of that race who were allowed to have a chance at life. All the while the same political hacks who are defending these very practices are out there pushing their #blacklivesmatter meme. The word hypocrisy doesn't cut it, because it's not hypocrisy, it's carefully crafted and skillfully executed racial division and destruction. This is the dreams of eugenicists like Margaret Sanger fully realized. This is wholesale slaughter for profit that would make the entire Nazi regime collectively blush.

But the question must be asked, "should we really be that surprised?". These are the kind of people who idolize Marx and Mao. People like this ignorantly wear T-shirts depicting Che Guevara like some kind of folk hero when they've never read a single word he wrote or spoke. We have devolved into a culture that places zero, even negative value on human life, and it's painfully apparent that this ideology has infiltrated the leadership of both major political parties. The worst possible scenario, all of the dehumanization of Maoist Communism mixed with the corporate greed of pure fascism. That point where the far left and the far right come full circle to meet at the point of complete, patiently and scientifically crafted totalitarianism.